Sandgasse 7-9
1190 Vienna-Grinzing Austria
Home-grown wines, warm and cold buffet, original viennese live music
open daily from 3pm to 12pm
Do you know that since four years many events take place nearby Vienna’s Winemakers during the Vienna Wine Springtime Event?
An initiative oft the LK (chamber of agriculture Vienna)
Our program:
Further information for Vienna Winemaker Tour 2009:
On Saturday (14th till 19th o’clock) and Sunday (11th till 19th o’clock) all wine bon vivants are welcome at all Vienna Winemakers.
With the Vienna Winemaker Tour – Package (5 €/Winemaker) you can taste different wines while personally commented by the winemaker.
You get to know the service rooms of the winemaker and learn interesting details about the wine region Vienna.
You can buy your favorite Wine directly at the Winemaker.
The mayor part of the companys can be easily reached by public transport.
A shuttleservice by the Vienna public transport is intended fort he 19th and the 21st district.
More Information also at www.wienerwein.at